One of the greatest ways to personalise your big day is by writing your own wedding vows. It allows you to speak to each other honestly and from the heart. Writing your own vows is particularly popular with younger couples, who want to step away from the traditional wording of a wedding ceremony.
However, with this decision comes immense pressure. Suddenly you have to find a way to say everything you want to your partner in only a few precious moments. To help with your wedding preparations, here are a few of our best tips for writing your own vows.
Forget the movies
We have all seen enough romantic comedies to know they usually feature a pivotal speech that helps the characters realise they love each other. Unlike the movies, there is actually no pressure to be particularly profound or verbose. The only pressure you feel is what you are putting on yourself. Write how you would normally speak. It helps to read your draft aloud. If anything feels inauthentic or you cannot comfortably say a phrase, take it out and try again. Vows should be easy to read and have a natural flow.
Speak in your own love language
No two couples are the same and we all celebrate love and romance differently. If you are shy when it comes to talking about feelings, stay away from grand declarations that you would never make in everyday life. On the same token, if you know your partner cringes at anything cliche, keep it more casual. Your relationship is completely unique, so express your love for your partner in whatever way feels most natural.
Make them laugh
Before you panic, this is not prompt to try out a comedy set as you stand at the altar. As a couple, you will have memories you look back on and can laugh at fondly. Tell them an anecdote about how you met or point out a cute characteristic in your partner that makes you both giggle.
Take inspiration
The greatest poets, musicians and artists have been finding ways to express love for centuries. It is perfectly fine to take inspiration and incorporate this into your vows. If you have a favourite author in common, use one of their quotes, or take a key lyric from one of the songs you feel speaks to you as a couple.
Make a promise you will keep
It is natural to want to make promises to your loved one on your wedding day. You are both excited for the future and imagining what married life will feel like. Try to make a promise that you know you can keep. If you promise to always find something to laugh about, strive to do this as you go forward in your marriage, in the good times and the bad.
Stay away from words like obey
In modern society, marriage is no longer a business transaction. It is antiquated to say you will obey your partner. A marriage is a beautiful celebration of two people coming together to create their own family. Speak to your partner as your equal. Keep these tips in mind and you are sure to write vows that will make your partner feel valued and loved.